Thursday, April 7, 2016

Pratyusha Banerjee's Suicide Case

Pratyusha Banerjee's Suicide Case!

It is a very sad news that the Indian tv actress Pratyusha Banerjee committed suicide. But girls and women is it a right way to stop facing problems? I don't know what was the main issue that she took the biggest step to end her life, but what i know is committing suicide is not a lone solution. Media says there was even some relationship problems too. I think every person faces problem, no matter big or small but we should be strong enough to face them with our head up. Women are portrayed to be the face of society. Women like Kiran Bedi, Indira Gandhi and many other great Women have shown that women are no less. 

We are more than just a relationship. We are strong, beautiful and capable all by ourself. We are multi-talented. We don't need a man to define us. 

But this society places too much of a premium on women being attached to a man for their identity. At first father and then boyfriend or the husband. Please please know that no one is more important than you on this planet. And no one will never be able to make you happy with yourself. 

But if girls and women start ending up their own life on small issues then what these women are leaving a mark behind? That women are a weaker section of society? Many rape survivors, acid survivors are a great mark on society that what a women is. Sadly, in my point Pratyusha took a wrong step. 

Being single is not a big deal. Know that you aren't alone. Everybody is afraid of being alone yet everyone is alone at the end of the day. Know that a broken heart can be mended in time. But a life once gone can never be replaced. We have one life, and it will come with its shares of ups and downs but we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it. 

So Love yourself! Surround yourself with people who love you the just same and make you feel special. You deserve every bit of love and awesomeness that life has to offer. Because you really deserve it.

Girl be the change. Be brave. Face the world, face the problems and move on. Life is precious. 

smile emoticon 

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