Saturday, April 9, 2016

Gender Equality - Women are not object's campaign Review.


Gender Equality has been an issue to discuss since a long run now. Here again, an advertising campaign was started WE ARE #WOMANNOTOBJECTS. Below is the link for this whole discussion and a small advertising on WHAT ADVERTISING INDUSTRY CAN DO FINALLY CREATE GENDER EQUALITY.

Now, after watching the video I want give my reviews on this whole discussion : 

Irony is, this video shows women in every possible *these ads harm the society* way and ends with I'M YOUR MOTHER, DAUGHTER, SISTER CO-WORKER AND CEO. Talking about the main point, equality. Why women choose to be in those ads? Nobody forced them i guess? And even they aren't doing it for free. Why we forget men when we talk about gender equality? Doesn't men have feelings or they just want to see women with the wrong eye? No. Being a women, i feel equality should be for both the genders.

I have heard many cases in which men have been physically harassed by the women, but these things doesn't come up on media channels. I understand, men are known to the beast to eat up women, but are women are too innocent? Last year in Satya Mev Jayate hosted Amir Khan, a discussion was going on Women Physical Harassment; A guy told his story in which he was harassed by a mid aged lady. But that issue was not broadcast, but if a girl is harassed or raped that becomes a nation issue. I mean, why people? Our male gender isn't a human? or only females are considered to be a weaker section of society? 

Why to show women saying they are mothers, sisters etc etc? These women have chosen to be in these ads. No body forced them. Then where these campaigns want to prove their facts about equality? 

 It actually hurts that the society thinks about the women only but not for men, and taking the ad industry think; Okay, women are being potrayed as a symbol of sex. Then why women even do such ads? Can't they just say a NO for the proposal coming to them? Even men get molested by women. But there's no ad on that. Change the mindset, society will change automatically.

In our society, equality majorly means respect. 
Respect for women? No, I respect the one wo deserves to be respected. 

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