Saturday, April 9, 2016

Online Shopping VS Offline Shopping - UNENDING DEBATE


The big debate that is going on these days is whether to shop online or offline (good old brick and mortar stores) and which mode of shopping gives one a better experience.
The ongoing festive season spares none and everybody is literally on a shopping spree for gifts and household items.
My question is why are more people, especially youngsters, making a shift towards online shopping?

Don't we get the real feel of shopping only when we actually visit markets, shopping malls, stores and hunt for the best deals, where a bit of haggling can also be done (not in branded stores though).
I feel the good old way of shopping is the best. Shopping for me is an event in itself, whereby a full day is dedicated to it.
Don't we look forward to the day we've marked on our calendar exclusively for 'shopping' amidst our day-to-day chaotic schedule. At least, I am a kind of person who enjoys retail therapy every now and then.
Picture this! I have to buy a pair of jeans or a top. Why would and how could I order for clothing online? I mean how can I purchase a piece of clothing without trying it or even feeling it? Everyone has a different fit and a size and it is not necessary that a top that a mannequin is wearing will also look good on me.
In situations like these, it is best to try on whatever you are purchasing and see for yourself.
Offline shopping has a sense of immediacy. You get to posses the item you've purchased the very moment. Who has the patience to wait for two to three days before the product is delivered when purchased online?
At least I can't! The instant gratification comes when you get to shop right then and there.
Having said this, I'm not completely against online shopping.
There are certain items that are best purchased online such as watches, gadgets, decorative items, kitchen appliances.
As technology has changed our lives, there is no running from it. We can use the technology i.e. online shopping experience for a better, comparative experience.
The 'click click' experience can come as a savior when you face a time crunch and need to purchase something urgently; and also the cut-throat competition of predatory pricing between online and offline retailers, especially for electronic items.
I am aware that online shopping is the best experience at least for people living in smaller cities of our country where they fail to get latest gadgets, electronics and other items as not all stores/showrooms are located in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. Here online shopping comes to the rescue.
These days, it is raining discounts on online e-commerce websites just to woo customers and to cash in on the festive fervor. These e-retailers are giving crazy cuts just to catch the fancy of customers.
But the question that pops up in my mind every time I come across such deals is - Do these sites actually sell authentic goods? And why would someone sell any item at a lower price? Moreover, the lesser known brands with measly prices keep luring buyers with products, the quality of which can rarely be judged.
And before people slam me for not being tech savvy and a person who doesn't like to move along with the changing time and not acknowledging the plus points of online shopping, I have nothing against online shopping. To each his own!
But having said that, I would again like to make my point that - Online shopping is not my cup of tea, and like me, many others would still continue to go the old school way.

Gender Equality - Women are not object's campaign Review.


Gender Equality has been an issue to discuss since a long run now. Here again, an advertising campaign was started WE ARE #WOMANNOTOBJECTS. Below is the link for this whole discussion and a small advertising on WHAT ADVERTISING INDUSTRY CAN DO FINALLY CREATE GENDER EQUALITY.

Now, after watching the video I want give my reviews on this whole discussion : 

Irony is, this video shows women in every possible *these ads harm the society* way and ends with I'M YOUR MOTHER, DAUGHTER, SISTER CO-WORKER AND CEO. Talking about the main point, equality. Why women choose to be in those ads? Nobody forced them i guess? And even they aren't doing it for free. Why we forget men when we talk about gender equality? Doesn't men have feelings or they just want to see women with the wrong eye? No. Being a women, i feel equality should be for both the genders.

I have heard many cases in which men have been physically harassed by the women, but these things doesn't come up on media channels. I understand, men are known to the beast to eat up women, but are women are too innocent? Last year in Satya Mev Jayate hosted Amir Khan, a discussion was going on Women Physical Harassment; A guy told his story in which he was harassed by a mid aged lady. But that issue was not broadcast, but if a girl is harassed or raped that becomes a nation issue. I mean, why people? Our male gender isn't a human? or only females are considered to be a weaker section of society? 

Why to show women saying they are mothers, sisters etc etc? These women have chosen to be in these ads. No body forced them. Then where these campaigns want to prove their facts about equality? 

 It actually hurts that the society thinks about the women only but not for men, and taking the ad industry think; Okay, women are being potrayed as a symbol of sex. Then why women even do such ads? Can't they just say a NO for the proposal coming to them? Even men get molested by women. But there's no ad on that. Change the mindset, society will change automatically.

In our society, equality majorly means respect. 
Respect for women? No, I respect the one wo deserves to be respected. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Pratyusha Banerjee's Suicide Case

Pratyusha Banerjee's Suicide Case!

It is a very sad news that the Indian tv actress Pratyusha Banerjee committed suicide. But girls and women is it a right way to stop facing problems? I don't know what was the main issue that she took the biggest step to end her life, but what i know is committing suicide is not a lone solution. Media says there was even some relationship problems too. I think every person faces problem, no matter big or small but we should be strong enough to face them with our head up. Women are portrayed to be the face of society. Women like Kiran Bedi, Indira Gandhi and many other great Women have shown that women are no less. 

We are more than just a relationship. We are strong, beautiful and capable all by ourself. We are multi-talented. We don't need a man to define us. 

But this society places too much of a premium on women being attached to a man for their identity. At first father and then boyfriend or the husband. Please please know that no one is more important than you on this planet. And no one will never be able to make you happy with yourself. 

But if girls and women start ending up their own life on small issues then what these women are leaving a mark behind? That women are a weaker section of society? Many rape survivors, acid survivors are a great mark on society that what a women is. Sadly, in my point Pratyusha took a wrong step. 

Being single is not a big deal. Know that you aren't alone. Everybody is afraid of being alone yet everyone is alone at the end of the day. Know that a broken heart can be mended in time. But a life once gone can never be replaced. We have one life, and it will come with its shares of ups and downs but we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it. 

So Love yourself! Surround yourself with people who love you the just same and make you feel special. You deserve every bit of love and awesomeness that life has to offer. Because you really deserve it.

Girl be the change. Be brave. Face the world, face the problems and move on. Life is precious. 

smile emoticon